The Denny Library is located at RINA Headquarters in London. Books etc are not available on loan, except by agreement. Access to the library is available to members and non members by prior agreement with
The Library Index is at
The Society of Naval Architects of Serbia is as an alumni association of the Department of Naval Architecture of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade. The library of the of Mechanical Engineering contains over 90,000 library units, namely 53,300 monographic publications, 630 titles of foreign and 200 titles of domestic journals, about 3,000 master's, doctoral and specialist theses. The library has a rich reference collection. The library forms a museum collection of publications published by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
More information is available on the Library website at and from
The Asociacion de Ingenieros Navales y Oceanicos has links to the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) which has a open access library with technical papers, final degree thesis etc..
The UPM Digital Archive is available at
The Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology is a member of DINAVI – an interactive network of university, institution and other related organisations’ libraries. Individual members of members of DINAVI have access to all member libraries, including the borrowing of books and other material. [CEMT has applied for membership of DINAVI ]
Details DINAVI to be published in due course.
Papers and proceedings presented at ATENA international seminars, conventions, congresses are available in an electronic format and mostly listed by Scopus. For further information, contact , detailing subject and date of the publication.
The IMarEST library is incorporated into that of Lloyd’s Register to make it more readily accessible, and is available through the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Heritage & Education Centre. Information about the Heritage and Education Centre can be found on its website at
Publications from the IMarEST library, together with other publications and collections held by the LR Foundation can normally be accessed for free, either online or in person by visiting the library and archive at 71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4BS.
The LR Foundation Library index is online at