Each year, outstanding papers of significance to the European maritime industry, written by members of each CEMT Society, are published on the CEMT website. Papers are copyright-free and may be downloaded from Dropbox.
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Ships and ship-shaped offshore installations are commonly equipped with pneumatic or solid rubber fenders to absorb kinetic energy during collisions, thereby reducing structural damage. The energy absorption capacity of these fenders must be precisely evaluated via reliable experimental analytical and numerical methods to ensure that the fenders are capable of preventing collision-associated structural failures. Accordingly, this study developed computational modelling techniques for analysing the energy absorption capacity of solid rubber fenders.
This article studies the prospects for deep-sea mining as a fumre viable maritime industry, and discuss the commercial. operational. and technical viability of deep-sea mining. By the use of a business developmell! approach originating from the maritime industry. we analyse oppormnities for a virtual deep-sea mining project, and identify aspects of stakeholder performance expectations. contexmalised by the competitive positioning and identification of related project risks.
The Marine Industry has shown special interest in implementing new technologies framed within Industry 4.0 in a commitment to digitize companies and monetize data. Machine Learning is the foundation on which data science is founded and is the main topic of this paper.
This paper is published in Spanish
After more than 5 years of research, which began with the AQUO Project "Achieving Quiet Oceans", funded by the 7th Framework Program of the European Union, TSI as a Spanish SME has developed and launched the first non-intrusive system capable of automatically detect this cavitation phenomenon from its onset and quantify its intensity, with sufficient accuracy to provide valuable information for its control. By having a visible and real time indicator of this phenomenon, we can act and reduce the negative effects of cavitation and control the acoustic signature of our vessel at all times.
This paper is published in Spanish
The evaluation of seakeeping behaviour is crucial for ship operation. Traditionally it has been analysed by experimental tests and/or numerical models, nevertheless both techniques require significant testing and/or computational time respectively. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the exponential increase in computational capacity, the possibility of exploring the use of AI techniques in the prediction of seakeeping behaviour is opening up. On this work, a pre-trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) will be used to evaluate the seakeeping behaviour, one of the main advantages of using these algorithms is the ability to quickly predict a large number of scenarios, compared to traditional methods. The search for fishing vessel geometries that adapt to sea conditions and operational profiles, optimizing specific metrics related to operability, is proposed. Finally, the most relevant conclusions of the work will be presented.
This paper is published in Spanish
The collection of data on accidents in inland navigation is not mandatory in many European countries. The lack of a harmonized methodology or a centralized database of information on accidents makes it difficult to have a comprehensive picture of safety on European inland waterways. The problem becomes particularly evident in light of significant navigational challenges such as the introduction of autonomous shipping. To provide a better understanding of safety in inland navigation, the paper presents the results of an analysis of data on some 700 accidents which took place on the inland waterways in Austria and Serbia, over a 15-year period (2001/ 2002–2017). The analysis identifies the safety “hot spots” and the most important safety issues on examined waterways. Contrary to the widely-accepted belief, the results do not confirm that most of the accidents could be attributed to human failures and show that the removal of human operators from inland vessels could only have a limited positive impact on safety unless other aspects (primarily related to maintenance of the fleet and the waterway) are considered. Consequently, the paper outlines the fundamental conditions in which it would be possible to reduce the human presence or even remove the crew from inland ships.
This presentation explains how Technip Energies (T.EN) has transformed its technology well known from marine loading arms (Marine Loading Arms: MLA) into an innovative solution
This paper analyses the production availability and the associated maintenance costs of an offshore wind turbine with a horizontal axis configuration using Petri Nets modelling with Monte Carlo Simulation.
This study develops a procedure for performing multi-attribute decision-making ship structural design of a multi-purpose ship. The already designed ship is further structurally designed to comply with the requirements of the Classification Societies
The Vessel Train concept implies a convoy of digitally connected vessels whereby only the first vessel in the convoy (the “lead vessel”) is fully manned, while the remaining vessels sail with the crew off-duty (in a periodically unmanned regime) or with a reduced crew (in a partially unmanned regime)This paper discusses the challenges encountered in design of large inland container Ro-Ro vessels with extremely shallow draughts, intended for the use in the Vessel Train.
This joint work shows the way to contribute to the decarbonisationof part of the container ship fleet currently in operation. Assurance of reliability of their study, GTT, Alwena Shipping and CHI Zhoushan have received an Approval in Principle (AiP) from the classification society Bureau Veritas (BV)
This paper employs destructive testing to tackle two distinct cases. On the one hand, the strength of plain scarf joints as a function of their slope is evaluated. On the other hand, the effectiveness of a range of adhesives is ascertained for the purpose of laminated manufacturing. The results are compared to both solid wood and the mechanical properties assumed by modern scantling regulations, revealing significant differences
This paper uses probability approach to estimate the reliability index of Rule based formulas for still water bending moment, i.e., the probability that thus obtained values will not be overcome by actual, lege artis calculated values. It is based on analyses of more than 400 load cases of 37 prominent river-sea tankers. Acquired results are also input parameters for further analyses, which would include wave induced loads and are the subject of succeeding investigations.
This paper proposes a new mixed-fidelity method to optimize the shape of ships using genetic algorithms (GA) and potential flow codes to evaluate the hydrodynamics of variant hull forms, enhanced by a surrogate model based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to account for viscous effects.
This paper extends the conventional failure mode and effect analysis methodology by introducing weights of its indices that are severity, occurrence, and detection as a basis to analyze the failures of the support structure of a generic floating offshore wind turbine. Critical failure causes, failure modes, as well as systems of the support structure of the floating offshore wind turbine are ascertained.
A spatial correlation analysis of near collision clusters with local traffic characteristics is presented. The Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi* spatial autocorrelation methods are used to determine whether near collisions show spatial clustering from global and local perspectives. The application of the developed approach to Automatic Identification System data of the maritime traffic off the coast of Portugal shows that there are several hotspots where the density of ship near collisions is relatively high.
By choosing the ship-shaped stream (double-body flow) as the base flow over which is superposed the
perturbation flow containing steady and unsteady components, a consistent linearisation of perturba-
tion flows, in particular, a new boundary condition on the free surface, is formulated. A new set of
boundary integral equations (BIE) are established by applying the Green’s theorem
This study focuses on developing a control system to enhance the seaworthiness of Autonomous high-speed Planing Crafts (APCs). APCs operating at high-speed in a seaway encounter very high vertical accelerations which pose a hazard to payload and crafts' structural integrity. Therefore, for safety operation of APCs in a seaway it is proposed to employ a system termed vision-aided speed modulation system (VSMS).
This paper presents an analysis of technical regulations addressing the safety of inland cargo vessels in Europe, in light of the developments leading towards the introduction of autonomous ships in inland navigation.
Rapid growth of the river cruising industry brings the safety of inland passenger ships into spotlight. A review of the existing safety regulations, however, exposes the fact that a common international regulatory framework for inland vessels currently does not exist. The paper presents damage stability assessment of a state-of-the-art European inland passenger vessel (the so-called river cruiser) performed according to the requirements of the regulations which are presently in force in Europe and worldwide.
Nowadays the term “Digital Twin” is seen very frequently in presentations, teasers and brochures. But what does it really imply? The proposed paper will look at the different proposals of “Digital Twin” that can be seen currently promoted for the Marine & Offshore industry and try to clarify the differences between them, both in content and their expected purpose. As a point of reference Bureau Veritas will present their proposed meaning to “Digital Twin”, illustrated by their initiatives around Asset Integrity Management and 3D Digital Classification. The author does not attempt to be exhaustive in all the possible uses of “Digital Twin” but expect to cover a sufficient range and points of comparison to help the readers to evaluate if a “Digital Twin” fits their needs better than another “Digital Twin”
It is considered that this paper, which was a synthesis of his previously published research on ship design, was a seminal paper which sets the benchmark for ship designers looking to exploit new technology and techniques. As such, the paper was considered to be essential reading for all naval architects and marine engineers, and not just those working in concept design
The optimisation of propulsive performance of ships is a primary and daily issue during design phases. For combat ships, the constant search for increasing operability through the improvement of seakeeping performance, acoustic discretion and manoeuvring ability is also a concern. For this reason, Naval Group studied the hydrodynamic impacts of the integration of the appendage Hull Vane® on a monohull. The appendage has been designed and optimized specifically for this hull, then compared by CFD computations with several geometries of more classic aft appendages such as wedges, interceptors and flaps. Significant gains on resistance and propulsive power were obtained, and exceeded largely what is obtained with more classic stern appendages. This analysis was completed by model tests, with and without the Hull Vane®