European Committee for Standards in Inland Navigation (CESNI) - Reports of Activities

The Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies has Non-Government Organisation (NGO) status with the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) and is represented on the European Committee for Standards in Inland Navigation (CESNI) by ATENA.

Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation vessels

At its recent meeting, the European Committee for drawing up Standards in the field of Inland Navigation (CESNI), adopted the new editions of   the  ES-TRIN, the European Standard laying down Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation vessels, and the ES-RIS, the European Standard for River Information Services. In addition, a number of interim guidelines were approved relating to pilot projects for the storage of gaseous hydrogen.

A full report of the meeting is available at

Past CESNI Reports

Past CESNI reports and papers are available at